Monday, February 21, 2011

Smells like Spring

Seems like all our hyacinths (destined for sale) came out in bloom this week and their heady fragrance filled the house and thankfully wooed new customers as we set up stall at our village farmer's market. It was a very social event and so much more fun than the 3am start and 2 hour drive which we endured to sell in the city last week.

Jamie has been hard at work processing his precious pork. We tasted our bacon for the first time on Saturday which has great potential but unfortunately the pork scratchings, which Jamie laboriously chopped and baked, turned out to be too salty even for Jamie. How disappointing!! Jamie bravely chopped and sliced up pigs ears and tails and they turned into snacks for Eddie which we gather must be delicious since he manages to jump from a standing start up to my chest level to retrieve them.

The river was so frozen that we went for a cross country ski along it,we could have skied to the ocean if it wasn't for me complaining how hungry I was. And Eddie found a porcupine up a tree....

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