Monday, January 24, 2011

The big freeze

I guess you know it's winter when the window panes of your porch freeze overnight and then stay frozen. Jamie says "I should start to worry when it's the toilet bowl that freezes up." Perhaps I'll just move house. We woke up to -20 degrees C with -30 wind chill. They said on the radio that skin could freeze outside in 10 mins, well we managed longer than that but it wasn't exactly pleasant. Not that we need an excuse to stay inside by the fire, we're in the midst of seed catalogues and I find them addictive. Have finished knitting my scarf so am looking for a new craft project (guess what everyone's getting for Christmas next year). Made a yummy pie thing from Popina book (Christmas pressie from Jamie's ma). Ran a yoga/meditation retreat on Saturday with my yoga buddy Josette so apart from eating, knitting and lounging by the fire am managing to do something useful while Jamie sweats over farm plans.
Eddie in the snow

 The scarf
glamour shot

The Pie (thanks Penny)

snow shoeing home

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