Sunday, May 19, 2013

May sunshine

We've just said goodbye to our first volunteer wwoofers of the season, Anna and Franz. It was great to have the extra pairs of hands to help out as we begin to tackle the long list of spring tasks ahead of us and thanks to them I now have one new raised bed (it only took 3 years!)
Thankfully we got hold of a load of good sh*t, it's dark and dirty and our plants are going to love it! (Worm castings from Growing green earthworm castings will be delivered soon).
Over the last two weeks, Jamie has tilled, we've mulched, spread muck, transplanted a few hardy kales and veggies, sown some grains and whatever else we felt like risking. I've been weeding our perennial beds and it's good to see Echinops, Eryngium, Phlox, Veronicas, Peonies, Achillea, Motherwort, Catnip, Vervain, Lavendars and other herbs beginning to grow once more. I've put the dandelions to good use and have a batch of home brew bottled and wine in the making.

The polytunnel is almost behaving itself and is full with snaps, stocks, clarkia and larkspur.

Our transplants are simply desperate to get out of the greenhouse and into the field so as soon as we've got past this cold spell we will be transplanting as fast as we can.

General feeling is good, and grass is growing like crazy, trees actually have leaves on and we've even got some blossom.

Bertie is the only one sulking since Franz was a rather impressive thrower of sticks and she is missing him like mad.

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