Whoop, whoop, yay! An ingeniously designed cool room has been erected inside the barn, thanks to Dad and his workaholic ethos that slaved away last week. Though not yet finished (90% done) or particularly cool (needs an airconditioner), it's a very fine example of Johnstone fix-it - build-it -just-do-it capability. We are so pleased, with another project almost ticked off the never ending list. Dad left us yesterday looking exhausted.
Dad did bring a bit of fair weather over from England with him and the Daffodils are finally out together with our garlic, which is a relief. We all woke up dreadfully early to see the Royal wedding though since it seemed to be replayed continually on Canadian television throughout the day, I don't know why we bothered.
We have more company this week and welcome our first Wwoofers (not the doggie kind but a couple from Australia/France). Even after one day the 2 extra pairs of hands are proving invaluable. We are hugely excited, it really feels like we are farming now.
building the cool room |
inside the cool room |
Daffs and drift wood |
Garlic |
on the beach |
Eddie giving Jamie directions |
Thanks! You didn't mention that this power tool is fuelled by alcohol (home brew), coffee (fair trade) and your cooking (with the occasional take away pizza!